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Murray, KY


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Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day 4

Kristopher Keen

Welcome to my Creepy elf on the shelf series. This series if you haven’t read my previous post is about an Elf named Sam. He has an agenda to stop the corruption within the elf community. Sam has not been the pretty elf, so he was not selected to be one of Santa’s special elf agents. I bet you didn’t know this, but if you are a bad child you can change that report to Santa by simply offering him a bribe. What Santa doesn’t know wont hurt him.

Sam originally had more integrity than that and wouldn’t accept a bribe. Unfortunately his crusade to expose the corruption in the elfin community he has gotten carried away. This image in this blog is not the exception.

Below is the sketch of the drawing. I was sitting at my chair in the hotel room when the idea hit. I had to sketch it out.

Elf on the shelf day 4.jpg

The sketch depicts Sam trying to get the elf on the shelf in the microwave after catching him. He caught him, He was so happy and didn’t know what to do with him. The microwave was his first though. After all, it was on a shelf. After sketching it out I decided to set up the photo tonight and it couldn’t of turned out any better. The following imaging

Creepy elf on the Shelf Day 4.jpg

I hope you are enjoying this series. Let me know if you want to see more.