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Murray, KY


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Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day 6

Kristopher Keen

This photo was inspired on airplane ride home. I was on an over two hour flight getting home from a month long assignment in Houston, TX. The trip was from Houston to Baltimore. I started sketching shortly after takeoff and then decided it was now or never.

I pulled my camera bag out from under the middle seat of the 737-800. I was in the window seat at the time of the photo, but because I was in an exit row, there was no seat in front of me. I had more legroom then I could ever ask for. But because of Covid restrictions there was no one else in my row of seats, which allowed me to do this photo.

Stretched out

Stretched out

Trey tables were allowed to be in the down position. This was my opportunity to take this photo. As the flight attendance went by, I politely declined the snack and water that was offered. I pulled out my creepy elf and set him up on the trey table. He looked comfortable except for the fact that he didn’t waste any time grabbing the air sickness bag out of the seat pouch next to him.

I am not sure how an elf that gets airsick in a huge airplane is going to make it as Santa’s right hand man, but I guess that is a problem for another day.

The sketch below was drawn up minutes before the actual photo that will be displayed below it.\



Day 6. Airsick

Day 6. Airsick

I hope you all are enjoying this series so far. Originally I was extremely ambitious and wanted to make 25 of these photos and offer them as a complete advent calendar, but I have modified my goals and this is going to be the 12 days of the Creepy Elf on the Shelf.

This is the last of the 12 that I am going to offer with a sketch. I have had several opportunities to just go out and free shoot with the elf, so that is what I did. Those will probably round out the final 6.