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Murray, KY


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Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day 1

Kristopher Keen

So its time for a new project. I hope to have it rolled out before the first of December. I am calling it the Creepy Elf on the Shelf series.

For years anyone that knows me, knows that I love creepy and unusual stuff. I have been photographing creepy dolls in strange locations for years. This year, I found a creepy elf, which I am planning to make a series of images that tell a story of an elf on the shelf that has become corrupt to the elfish ways. I guess you could say he himself becomes elfish (shellfish for elves).

The first photo of the series has been finished. Most of the photos that I am going to produce for this series are going to start off as a sketch and evolve from there. This sketches that you see are a rough idea, from there they will most likely evolve when brought into photoshop. All of the art that I am using in this series and most of my other images are composites that have been pieced together using photos that I have taken.

Below is a sketch of the first image. I usually have a backstory to my sketches that evolve with the art.

Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day #1

Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day #1

The Story:

The elf is sitting on the shelf with other toys. The only problem is, the toy he’s holding in his hand is the toys owner. The baster becomes the puppet and the puppet becomes the master.

This image is a self portrait used to portray the master.

Below you will see the final image.

Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day #1

Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day #1

If you care to order a print of this image let me know. I was thinking of offering them in 8x8 tiles and treat them like an advent type calendar where every day for 25 days is a new creepy elf on the shelf.

Thanks for reading.

Topher Keen